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Social Media Marketing







Your customers are online on social media every day, so you need to make sure you're right there with them.

Because If they don't see you on social media, too, you could easily lose them to your competitors.


Consider this....

79% of adults in the UK use Facebook

That's right: 79% of adults in the UK spend their time on Facebook - most of them multiple times every day.


That's 79 out of every 100 people in your area who spend time scrolling through posts on social media – day in, day out.

So, if you can put your message, your business, and all the great things you offer and do in front of your ideal local customer on social media on a regular basis...


You Make More Sales!

And this is true whether you are...

  • A restaurant that wants more diners

  • An electrician who wants more customers

  • A bridal shop that wants to sell more wedding dresses

  • or ANY type of small business that wants to attract more local customers.


The Social Media Success Formula

So the formula for success is actually a simple one...

  • Your customer spends lots of time on social media.

  • You post regularly in the places where they spend their time.

  • He or she regularly sees your posts.


This helps to build trust and rapport with the customer who is then far more likely to spend money with you rather than your competitor.

So how can you achieve this on social media?


Post on the social media websites that your customers and potential customers spend time on. These sites will differ depending on your business type and who your customers are.


Post regularly so that when your potential customers need your products or services you are always at the top of their minds.


Post the right mix of content to build brand awareness, showcase your products and services, and encourage post engagement from new and existing customers.

Most small business owners fail at this, however, because....

They don't have time

Most small business owners just don't have enough hours in the day! And even though they start with the aim to post regularly, this soon stops when they're pushed for time.


They don't post often enough

Just one post per week, or even less frequently is just not enough to be seen online and get real quantifiable results


They don't post where their customers are

As you've seen, Facebook is the most popular social network, but lots of your customers are on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, too.


They don't post the right content

Your posts need to be the right mix of promotions, info about your food and services and posts that encourage engagement. Engagement on posts (ie comments, likes and shares) is important because Facebook then sees the post as popular and so shows that, and your other posts, to more and more people. Posts should also use quality images that catch the reader's eye in the newsfeed.

Done-For-You Social Media Marketing That Pays For Itself

I can help you to get real results from your social media.

Without long contracts and false promises.

Here's what I will do for you and your business...


Work with you to develop a social media strategy that will get real results for your business.


Create unique social media content for you that focuses on getting engagement from your audience as well as paying customers to your door. All content and images are professionally designed to achieve the best results.


Post the content to your social networks at the perfect times to suit your audience. Your audience will think it's you at all times.


Report to you on a monthly basis so you can see exactly how the posts are performing.

I'm not interested in just posting for the sake of it – I want to help you to see a real return on investment, as well as grow your audience and your business through social media.

My job is to make people fall in love with your brand so that they become life-long customers!

So, Let's Get Started!

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the options further, please see the FAQ's below or Contact Me by clicking here and using the contact form or by calling me on 07817 621651.

OR EVEN BETTER!  Why not book a completely FREE, no obligation online meeting with me now?

CLICK THIS BUTTON to get started!

  • Is there any long term contract?
    No, not at all. You are welcome to cancel your monthly payments at any time after we've completed the term of our intial agreement and your service will then continue until the end of that current monthly period. Of course, I’ll be working hard to get you more customers so that you don’t want to cancel at any time!
  • My business caters to local customers. Will your service still help me?
    Very much so. I will tailor all of your Social Media posts to make sure they are seen by people in your local area and thus people who are potential customers for your business.
  • How many extra customers will I get?
    Unfortunately, it's impossible to say exactly how many extra customers you will get from Social Media. Just as with a newspaper advert, you know your ad will be seen by readers, but you can’t quantify exactly how many will spend money with you. The benefit of Social Media, though, is that your message will be seen online on a daily basis, giving you massive brand exposure and engagement with your customers and potential customers. This always leads to extra sales and extra customers.
  • Who will create the Social Media posts that are sent out for me?
    If you wish to create any posts yourself that is fine. Otherwise I will look at any digital info you already have (website, Facebook page etc) as well as send you a short questionnaire to get some info about your business, and then create your posts for you.
  • Can I discuss the possibilities and options with you?
    Of course! Just give me a call and I’ll be happy to chat about the service.
  • How soon will you start posting for me?
    Your Social Media posts will usually begin within 48 hours of me receiving your order. This of course depends on me having access to info about your business that will allow me to create your unique and relevant posts.
  • How will you create posts that are relevant to my business?
    Once you place your order, I will send you a short questionnaire to get some info that I need for the first posts. I’ll also ask you for any relevant photos that can be included in the posts. I will also create posts from information on your website, Facebook page etc, if you have them. I will then use all of the information to create your posts.
  • Can I see the posts before they are posted on Social Media sites?
    I am very happy to send all of the posts for your approval before they start to be posted.
  • Can't I just post more myself to get more customers?
    Yes, of course. Most small businesses though, find that they start with good intentions but don’t have the time to keep up with the momentum after a few days. In reality, most businesses are too busy doing their business to have time to post to several Social Media sites every week. This service ensures that your posts go out severl times per week, every week!
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